Thursday 20 November 2008

Flu Shot - Get It

It seems to be that time of year again. Flu Shot clinics are popping up everywhere. A lot of people are against vaccinations but I'm the total opposite. I get the Flu Shot every year, I got the Measles one in Elementary School, and Hepatitis C in Grade 8. I also got the HPV Vaccine last year which was fairly expensive, compared to the free Flu Shot. I have actually been thinking about getting the vaccine for Hepatitis A & B. I like disease prevention, if that means a needle with some chemicals every now and then I'm for it. People will talk about how they weakens us, cause allergic reactions, are unsafe, cause autism in children, and are solely used to further provide profit to the pharmaceutical companies. To that I look to my grandparents. I have a grandparent on each side on my family that had polio. Luckily it wasn't fatal for either of them but it did have quite a negative impact on their childhood and to a certain extent the rest of their lives. We don't have polio anymore, because we are vaccinated as children. The Flu Shot doesn't really even protect me that much, as I still tend to get sick, though it is usually a cold. It just stops me from getting sick from last years flu viruses but beyond that stops me from getting sick with last years flu and passing it onto someone vulnerable. I won't die from the flu, I won't even get really that sick from it, I hate the flu and it sucks when you have it, but I won't die. People do though, and I don't want to have been the person that gave it to them. So I'm getting it, good karma. You can get it everywhere: school, work, doctors or clinics in the community.


Anonymous said...

haha, I just wrote an article about this in cap news the other day! There are a lot of pissed off people and the flu shot.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong I'm definitely pro-vaccination in general, however, I'm a little skeptical of the flu shot. A number of recent studies have shown that if you're not at risk of dying from it there's basically no point in getting it. The same studies have shown that studies that find it has great benefits are usually basing their findings on a scewed sample group.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for people getting it if they feel the need, but I've never received it and haven't caught the flu in over 10 years..


Anonymous said...

I disagree with the flu shot!
